INTERVIEW QUESTION, How to take or give Interview

M Mubashir Chandio


  • Which type of question you face in interview i wanna to share some common question with my friends. They have your success you should impress them only tell what they want to listen 

  • 1. Tell me about yourself?
  • 2. Why should we hire you?
  • 3. What is your greatest strength?
  • 4. What is your greatest weakness?
  • 5. Why are you leaving or why have you left your job?
  • 6. What are your salary expectations?
  • 7. Why do you want this job?
  • 8. How do you handle stress and pressure?
  • 9. What are your goals?
  • 10. What can you do for us that other candidates can't?
  • 11. What are three positive things your last boss would say about you?
  • 12. What interests you about this role?
  • 13. What Motivates you?
  • 14. What are you passionate about?

  • What should you ''DO'' and ''DON'T'' during Interview. Be formal and descent 

  • DO your homework. do it proper way and be relax
  • Don't focus only on your salary and benefit.
  • Don't be late. care the time and be punctual 
  • Don't fold your arms. your arms its would be straight 
  • Don't use mobile. it is informal way keep to silent your mobile
  • Don't forget your resume.
  • Do think of five really good reasons. tell them good reasons and details 
  • Do learn five things ( at least ) Company. you should know about that company there you want to job 
  • Do have some examples relevant. Talking about some relevant idea about that question 
  • Do remember first impressions count.
  • Do sit up straight and smile. body language is an important part of the impress and your behavior 
  • Do practice, practice, practice. you must be practice of that question  
  • Don't remember the questions of Interview. just do practice and 
  • Don't criticize other people. don't blame other its very bad
  • Don't resume ( you know everything ).you should not be over smart be formal 
  • Don't give one word answers. tell them more details about any topic
  • Don't be silent. Try to speak them and identify them
  • Don't dress for the wrong job.